Join Pastor Marty for a Bible study using Zoom (video conferencing) at 2pm on Tuesday. THe group will be studying the book of Matthew. The discussion will be easy to understand if this is your first ever Bible study yet deep enough to challenge life long Christians.
If you need help with how to use Zoom please contact: Pastor Marty and he’ll be happy to help you learn how to join the study. Please note, 2pm on tuesday he may not be able to help you, so contact him at a different time PRIOR to the Bible study for help :).
You will need a computer that has camera and microphone in order to participate ( Most lap tops have this and a smartphone also works.) You can also “phone in” and only be on audio and hear the Bible study but not see the group.
Tuesday 8/18/2020 Matthew 11 Messiah discussion
Marty Marks is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 859 1706 6541
Password: 203316