Immanuel Lutheran
Church & Student Center
Connecting People To Jesus Christ
Welcome To Immanuel
God Is With Us!
Immanuel means “God with us” and it is a name we believe to be true of our congregation. For over 100 years, Immanuel Lutheran has experienced God’s love while also sharing that love with others through Word & Sacrament.
Immanuel is an active congregation of worshipping and serving Christians located on the west side of the city of DeKalb, and member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

Worship With Us At Immanuel Lutheran
Worship is a time for us to receive God’s gifts through His Word, sacraments and fellowship with His people.
Join us for Sunday Worship- 8 A.M. Traditional or 10:30 A.M. Contemporary
Sunday December 22 and 29 we have only a SINGLE service at 9 A.M.
Christian Education & Growth Opportunities
Sunday School classes & Bible Studies are just a few of the opportunities our youth have as part of the Church.
Do More With Immanuel Lutheran
Worship is a time for us to receive God’s gifts through His Word, sacraments and fellowship with His people.
Immanuel Lutheran church’s mission is to proclaim the Gospel, which transforms our lives and relationships through faith in Jesus Christ. As we are centered in the Gospel, individually and corporately, we re in mission individually and together.
Our words and actions will demonstrate our new life in Jesus Christ to all people by connecting people to Jesus. Our conviction will be that of Peter and John in Acts 4:20; “we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.”

Contact Immanuel Lutheran Church
511 Russell Road
DeKalb IL 60115
(815) 756-6669
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